Woodborough Street Bristol

Archio Ltd have been appointed by Bristol City Council to co-created a community-led housing proposal with Home Time and Thomas Beale of Ecomotive, on a site in the Easton quarter of the city. 

Home Time are a group of single mothers based in Easton working to create safe, secure and supportive homes for female-headed single-parent families in need.

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Women-headed single parent families face multiple disadvantages in the housing crisis, including a gender pay-gap, higher costs of living, and dependence on benefits (often harming their ability to rent). Tenure insecurity is therefore higher but also has a higher impact, damaging crucial ties to family, community, schools, and support upon which they rely. 65% of single mothers do not have a safe or secure home and need 12.6 times their average salary to afford a house.

Home Time’s members are long-term Easton residents who all face being priced out of their community. This scheme creates secure, affordable housing grounded in the networks of support they rely on in their local community.

Our designs for a Passivhaus terrace of flats and maisonettes, each have a front door or 'stoop' to the street, making sure every family has a connection to their neighbourhood. On the rear of the housing, a sunny shared walkway and set of steps leads to a shared garden with space for growing and playing.

The proposal was part of a bid for land being released by Bristol City Council through their Community Led Housing Land Disposal strategy.
